Thursday, 25 October 2012


If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her?

If words that are spoken only make things worse...
Then silence is the best solution, I guess...

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Ingat Allah Selalu (^_^)

Dalam hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Termidzi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban dan al-Hakim dari Abdullah bin Bisyr. r.a:

" Bahawasanya seorang lelaki telah bertanya: Wahai RasulAllah!Bahawasanya syariat-syariat Islam sungguh telah banyak atasku, maka khabarkanlah oleh Tuan kepadaku sesuatu di mana aku dapat bergantung dengannya. Nabi menjawab: Senantiasalah lidahmu basah pada menyebut Allah."

Maksudnya, setiap waktu kita hendaklah berzikir dan menyebut nama Allah. Jangan kita tinggalkan zikir itu kerana hati kita tidak sejalan dengan lidah kita. Sebab, tidak berzikir sama sekali lebih teruk daripada berzikir tetapi hati kita lalai.

Tegasnya, lebih baik kita selalu menyebut nama Allah walaupun hati kita terbang melayang entah ke mana daripada tidak langsung menyebut nama Allah dan sifat-sifatNya. Apabila kita berusaha untuk sentiasa menyebut nama Allah walaupun hati lalai... InsyaAllah, Allah akan menaikkan martabat atau maqam kita lebih tinggi daripada sebelumnya iaitu, daripada hati lalai, kepada hati yang sentiasa sedar akan Allah...

Walhasil, perpindahan dari satu martabat ke satu martabat yang lebih tinggi adalah tidak sukar asalkan Allah mengkehendakiNya untuk memberikan kurnia kepada hamba-hambaNya yang tekun dalam menyebut dan mengingatiNya... InsyaAllah... marilah kita sama-sama membiasakan diri untuk berzikir setiap saat... (^_^)
I just want to share this nasyid~ Maher Zain have singing this song too... but I preferred this one..

Never Forget

Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say
La ilaha illa Allah
Nothing worthy of worship except Allah

When you’re walking down the street
Use your time and repeat
And say with every heartbeat
La ilaha illa Allah


To be able to defeat
Shaytan and his deceit
Ask Allah for help and repeat
La ilaha illa Allah


If we want to succeed
We must purify our creed
Obey Him in every deed
La ilaha illa Allah


To become completely freed
From your envy and your greed
In your heart plant the seed of
La ilaha illa Allah


Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Sami Yusuf
Producer: Sami Yusuf

Friday, 25 May 2012

1 generasi BODOH!

nak tgk gambar biar betul comel molek.. baca Quran.. MAMPUS tak baca!
Terbaik la Ustaz Azhar..

Sudah-sudah la.. sampai bila x nak berubah? Sementara masih sempat bertaubat... Fikir-fikir kan la...

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Which do you prefer?

Which one do you prefer???? 


Which one do you think InsyaAllah will safely arrived when she walk alone to somewhere?

Which one do you think will at least could avoid herself from become the victim of unpleasant view or  from any wicked man's evil plan? 

hehe.. I know you know the answer... So why don't YOU stop for a while and think about it? Allah have created a guide line for all of us to be followed just for our sake...

Wearing scarf or hijab doesn't mean that it will limits our daily activities... Right?! As long as you are in the right track, everything is okay... 

Plus, you will get benefits and reward (pahala) of doing that... so.. what are you waiting for?

 (>^_^)>  <(^_^<)

Sunday, 22 April 2012


Buat ibubapa di luar sana... sdhkah kamu mendidik anak-anak kamu untuk saat-saat ini?
Buat anak-anak di luar sana... sdhkah kamu mempersiapkan diri kamu untuk saat-saat ini?

Fikir-fikirkan la.. hidup bukan di dunia saja. Apa tujuan kita hidup sebenarnya? Allah sdh berfirman: "Tidak Aku jadikan kamu di atas dunia ini melainkan beribadah kepada Ku." Kita semua tahu akan firman ini, tapi... ????? masih ramai lagi yg tidak faham. Hanya sedih mengenangkan nasib yg meimpa di dunia. DUNIA HANYA SEMENTARA. Sdgkn di akhirat kekal selama-lamanya. Pilihlah yang mana satu. Itu hak kamu utk pilih! Kita kn mengamalkan Hak Asasi Manusia Kan! Huh (nada sinis)...

Perintah Allah sudah jelas. Tinggal kita sahaja yang mahu ikut perintah-Nya atau tidak. Terpulang kepada kamu... makhluk yg paling istimewa di muka bumi ini ialah manusia kerana mempunyai akal. Sampai bila akal itu disimpan dan tidak digunakan. Sgnkn Allah memberi akal utk kita gunakan.

Tidak ada keburukan dan kerugian bagi orang-orang yang berfikir... Fikirlah sebaik mungkin. Rahsiah Allah terletak pada alam dan makhluknya...

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Khas Buat Mama Yg Tersayang~

I would like to tell you that this song shows how I feel about you mommy~ LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER


I was a foolish little child
Crazy things I used to do
And all the pain I put you through
Mama now I'm here for you

For all the times I made you cry
The days I told you lies
Now it's time for you to rise
For all the things you sacrificed

If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you
If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you

Mom I'm all grown up now
I'ts a brand new day
I'd like to put a smile on your face everyday

Mom I'm all grown up now
And it's not too late
I'd like to put a smile on your face everyday

You know you are the number one for me
You know you are the number one for me
You know you are the number one for me
Oh oh
number one for me

Now I finally understand
That  famous  line
About the day I'd face in time
Coz now I have a child of mine

Even though I was so bad
I've learnt so much from you
Now I'm trying to do it too
Love my kids the way you do

If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you
If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you

Mom I'm all grown up now
I'ts a brand new day
I'd like to put a smile on your face everyday

Mom I'm all grown up now
And it's not too late
I'd like to put a smile on your face everyday

You know you are the number one for me
You know you are the number one for me
You know you are the number one for me
Oh oh
number one for me

There is no one in this world
That can take your place
Oooh I'm sorry for ever taken you for granted

I will use every chance I get
To make you smile
Whenever I'm around you

Now I will to try to love you
Like you love me
Only God knows how much you mean to me

If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you
If I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone I swear that I would
I would make it up to you

Mom I'm all grown up now
I'ts a brand new day
I'd like to put a smile on your face everyday

Mom I'm all grown up now
And it's not too late
I'd like to put a smile on your face everyday

The number one for me
The number one for me
The number one for me
Oh oh
number one for me

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

When I feel down...

When I feel down, what should I do?  
When you feel down, what do you do?

1st. Think and find out what are you depress off...
2nd. Find a way to solve it.
3rd. Don't ever forget your one and only God in your mind. He always there for you... Ask for His help... InsyaAllah, you'll find your way. ^_________^

In my case, what am I depress off? Well, you know... students.. what are they depressed off... of course assignments.. hahaha...

When I feel down, I should think like this, and you too as well...

" Bersyukurlah di atas segala yang aku miliki sekarang ini. Bukan semua dapat apa yang mereka mahu. Bersyukurlah dapat peluang masuk bidang perguruan ni... kalau x dpt apa2... lagi rugi. Sekarang, sdh dapat... usahalah.. Don't let go... Ingat, kalau bukan psl bidang ni, belum tentu dapat jalan2 pi Kedah + Langkawi, Perlis, dan terbaru ni... Johor... ^_^... For everything that I got, there is a price for it... Dan bayarannya adalah usaha dalam buat assignment + buat exam betul2... dan jadi seorang guru yang berintegriti... kan.. kan.. kan... So, cheer up, It's time for me to pay for what I got... and You too as well... "

Bawah ni, sedikit gambar shopping kat Batu Pahat. Mostly makan la... hahahhaha....  Thanks to Suhaila & Farhana yg bawa aku dgn Fatin jalan2... woooohhhhhhh.... ^____^

Yang ni kasut kulit Club House Polo utk SBE  kat Johor. Nmpk diskaun 50% trus beli... wakakakakaka... Harga asal RM109.... lepas diskaun tinggal Rm54... ^_^
Yang ni pla time kat Domino Pizza, Batu Pahat Johor. Nakalnya Fatin... sempat lagi mengacau... ^_^ It's a "Good Times"..  hahaha

Yang ni pla kat RasaMas.. klu x silap... aku pun lupa dah nama dia... it coast me Rm15. 30 for this food you know. Bagus aku lepak kat kedai mamak... murah skit...  hahahaha... Kedai ni ja la yg kurang skit org~ sebab tu la msk.. dptlah bernasaf skit.. hahahah...
Yang ni nama dia, Mee Racun.. ada2 ja nama makanan zaman skrang ni... aku pun x tau apa yg sedap dgn bendala ni... hahahaha.... x tau nak explain mcm mna.. rasa dia ok ja la... yg penting dah pernah rasa.... heheheh.... It's only cost Rm4.00. Klu yg special tu lain la harga dia..
Yg ni Tutti Frutti... cara bayar, timbang dik oooii... hagra 1 cup frozen yogurt ni, yg aku punya la.. Rm17. Klu x silap... Suhaila pnya paling mahal.. Rm20... wakakaka... terkejut beruk jga la, time 1st time beli.. hahahahaha....  Sekali lagi, baik aku beli aiskrim mat kool kat kedai runcit nuh.. hahahaha...